What Steps Can Be Taken to Achieve Optimal Sickle Cell Care?


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In this program:

For optimal sickle cell care, what steps can be taken? Watch as expert Dr. Seethal Jacob shares actions patients and their loved ones can take to improve sickle cell education, advocacy, and research toward optimal care.


Leo Hesse:

Dr. Jacob, how can a family that is very new to sickle cell or families that have been dealing with sickle cell for years now, what steps can they take to receive the most optimal care in this day and age of COVID and everything else that's happening, what can they do to really receive the best care for them and their family?

Dr. Seethal Jacob:

Absolutely, it's a great question. I think the number one thing is to read and research as much as possible, learn, learn, learn about sickle cell disease, know what's out there, know what's available. If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to a comprehensive sickle cell center, really anywhere in the world. I think what I love about what I do and my colleagues across the world who take care of individuals with sickle cell disease is we are happy to talk to patients and families to provide education, to give information to them in their communities so that they can be informed and advocate for themselves and or their child in the best way possible, so don't stop reading, don't stop learning about sickle cell disease, don't stop asking questions, ask your practitioners question after question, make sure that they're giving you the answers that you need to fully understand how you can live your best life and how your child can live their best life with sickle cell disease.

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