Are There Diagnostic Testing Inequities in Rural Areas?
Does rural medicine present its own diagnostic testing issues or its own set of inequities? Hear from respected medical laboratory scientist Dr. Brandy Gunsolus.
Diagnostics Decoded | Lab Values and Ethnicity
Respected medical laboratory scientists Dr. Brandy Gunsolus and Dr. Dana Baker discuss the complex interplay between lab values and ethnicity.
Solutions for Diagnostic Testing Issues for Transgender Patients
How can diagnostic testing issues for transgender patients be overcome? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus shares where research on reference ranges stands and hopes for future solutions.
Diagnostic Testing and Impact on LGBTQIA Community
Is there research or data focused on health testing disparities impacting the LGBTQIA community? How can LGBTQIA communities best advocate for themselves?
Does Laboratory Medicine Worsen Health Disparities Unintentionally?
Are health disparities sometimes worsened unintentionally by laboratory medicine? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman discusses cost issues and systemic issues with laboratory medicine and the U.S. healthcare system.
How Can We Address Diagnostic Inequities in Laboratory Practices?
How can healthcare professionals help ensure that laboratory practices address diagnostic inequities? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman discusses ways that public health laboratories are working to reduce diagnostic inequities.
Blood Test Shows Aging of Organs
If a simple blood test could show how your internal organs are aging, would you want to know? A recent study revealed information that could assist healthcare professionals in providing vital care sooner for patients with a rapidly aging organ.
What Is a Lab Test Reference Range and How Are They Determined?
Are there some lab ranges under scrutiny that may require further research? How do I understand my normal? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus explains.
What Is the Impact of Unconscious Bias on Laboratory Diagnostics and Health Outcomes?
Can unconscious bias impact laboratory diagnostics and health outcomes? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman discusses unconscious bias and solutions toward improved health outcomes.
Improving Visibility of Laboratory Scientists and Healthcare Professionals
How can laboratory scientists and healthcare professionals become more visible to patient communities? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman shares insight.
LGBTQIA Health Testing and Outcomes | Solutions Toward Equity
How can LGBTQIA health testing and outcomes be improved? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus discusses LGBTQIA disparities and solutions toward health equity.
How Can Bias Against Overweight Patients Be Lessened?
For overweight patients who experience bias, how can they help ensure equitable testing? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus shares her perspective and advice.
Diagnostic Testing | How Providers Can Help Empower Patients
Diagnostic testing is important, but how can providers help those who might have barriers to access? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus shares advice.
What Is a Medical Laboratory Scientist?
What does a medical laboratory scientist do exactly? Medical laboratory scientist Dr. Brandy Gunsolus shares insight.
What Is the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Laboratory Testing?
Medical laboratory science is now using artificial intelligence (AI) in some testing, but what is the impact? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus explains.
Diagnostic Equity and Its Importance in Patient Care
Why is diagnostic equity important for patients? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus shares her perspective.
Can Artificial Intelligence in Ultrasounds and Scan Results Improve Diagnostic Testing?
An informed and balanced approach must be taken with artificial intelligence to ensure that optimal benefits prevail for patients while also decreasing long-standing healthcare disparities.
How Do Healthcare Disparities Impact Diagnosis?
How do socio-economic factors, racial disparities, or access to healthcare impact timely and accurate diagnosis? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus. explains
Why Diagnostic Stewardship Is Important
An estimated 13 billion lab tests are performed in the U.S. each year. Diagnostic tests are the highest-volume medical activity we experience. And these tests help drive most medical decisions.
Advancing Diagnostic Equity
Algorithms are used to diagnose kidney and lung disease and to determine which method of childbirth is best for expecting mothers. These equations consider various factors, including your age, test results, and race.