Heart Behind the White Coat | Sickle Cell Expert Marwan Shaikh, MD
Sickle cell disease expert Dr. Marwan Shaikh shares his journey to becoming a hematologist and sickle cell specialist in this Heart Behind the White Coat (HBWC) program.
Sickle Cell Disease in AYA Patients, Reproductive and Sexual Care
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) concerns can be top of mind for some female AYA sickle cell disease patients. What do these concerns of these patients show? Here’s a look at the results of a recent sickle cell disease survey.
Overview of Sickle Cell Treatment Landscape
Dr. Marwan Shaikh and hematology nurse practitioner Maya Bloomberg provide an update on current treatments, research study results, and treatment improvements currently in development.
Avoiding and Identifying Sickle Cell Pain Crisis Triggers
Sickle cell disease advocate and care partner Carla Lewis shares things that have triggered pain crisis for her son and actions she took to help him avoid pain crisis over the years.
Can Sickle Cell Disease Warriors Lower Risk of Pain Crises?
Dr. Marwan Shaikh and hematology nurse practitioner Maya Bloomberg share situations that have triggered pain crisis for patients and their advice for reducing pain crisis risk.
Mother Shares Progress of Son With Sickle Cell Disease
Sickle cell disease care partner Carla Lewis shares details about her son’s journey including what they encountered with support, helpful treatments, and how treatments have evolved over the years – while Maya Bloomberg shares advice for families with sickle cell trait.
How Can Sickle Cell Warriors and Families Advocate for Lower Cost Therapies?
Dr. Marwan Shaikh, hematology nurse practitioner Maya Bloomberg, and Carla Lewis explain ways that sickle cell patients and care partners can help reduce the cost of sickle cell disease treatments.
Advice From Mother of a Sickle Cell Warrior
Sickle cell disease patient advocate and care partner Carla Lewis shares advice about staying engaged and ways that she helped her son transition to adult care.
Different Disparities Displayed in Sickle Cell Care
Dr. Marwan Shaikh, hematology nurse practitioner Maya Bloomberg, and Carla Lewis discuss disparities that patients have experienced, biases that exist, and how sickle cell patients and advocates can continue to help in reducing care disparities.
Tips and Resources to Keep Track of SCD Health Information
Dr. Marwan Shaikh and hematology nurse practitioner Maya Bloomberg share ways to organize care aspects like sickle cell disease medications and financial resources.
Understanding Insurance for Sickle Cell Care
Sickle cell disease patient advocate Carla Lewis, hematology nurse practitioner Maya Bloomberg, and Dr. Marwan Shaikh explain resources patients and care partners can utilize to take advantage of financial assistance programs and Medicaid and how to optimize financial assistance resources.
How Can the Shortage of Hematologists for Sickle Cell Care Be Addressed?
Sickle cell disease patient advocate Carla Lewis and Maya Bloomberg explain improvements in process for sickle cell care and how patients and care providers can advocate for their best care.
How Can We Close the Gap of Mistrust in BIPOC Communities?
Dr. Marwan Shaikh shares key ways that SCD patients and providers can help work toward closing the gap of medical mistrust.
What Are Some Challenges of Finding a Cure for Sickle Cell Disease?
Dr. Marwan Shaikh and Maya Bloomberg explain obstacles for patients in sickle cell disease care, challenges to researchers in finding and refining cures, and how patients and others can help improve the possibilities of cures.
How Can SCD Warriors and Families Help in Novel Therapy Research?
Dr. Marwan Shaikh, Maya Bloomberg, and Carla Lewis explain ways that sickle cell patients and care partners can help advance sickle cell disease care, resources for locating clinical trials, and how to advocate for improved sickle cell care.
What Should SCD Warriors Know Before Joining a Clinical Trial?
Dr. Marwan Shaikh and Maya Bloomberg share about sickle cell patients who may benefit from clinical trials and why BIPOC representation is vital for optimal clinical trial results.
Lost in Transition, Optimizing Sickle Cell Disease Care
As part of ongoing efforts to expand sickle cell disease knowledge and to reduce health inequities, DHH hosted its first Sickle Cell Health Hub Huddle with sickle cell disease experts.
How Is Sickle Cell Research Using Gene Editing?
Maya Bloomberg defines gene editing versus gene therapy and explains gene editing research that is examining treatment advances for sickle cell patients.
Does Standard of Care Change for Adult Sickle Cell Warriors?
Dr. Marwan Shaikh and Maya Bloomberg explain the treatment that has been used as the sickle cell gold standard of care, newer treatment options, and an online resource for finding the latest SCD research information.
Questions to Ask When Transitioning to Adult Sickle Cell Care
Dr. Marwan Shaikh and Maya Bloomberg offer advice on questions to ask providers, online resources for locating sickle cell care, which specialists are trained in SCD, and the latest treatments to ensure your specialist is aware of.